Saturday, May 28, 2016

Review: The Dream Thieves

The Dream Thieves The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them. Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness. Her raven boys.

I am probably the worst person because I have devoured these books in the matter of a couple of weeks (with a few others throw in for good measure!) and I almost feel like every review may be coloured by that, by the fact that I am half way through the next (or finished the entire series) and I don't want that to happen, but it's going to be hard. I am a little enamoured by all of them, just like Blue is, and I am loathe to see the series end now the further we delve in to the magical mysteries of my favourite - Ronan.

And Ronan was everything that was left: molten eyes and a smile made for war.

Oh Ronan!

I want to throw my arms around him, wrap him bubble wrap and protect him from all the awful things that are coming their way. Can I tell you how happy I was that Ronan was really explored throughout this book? Adam is important, Gansey is important, Blue is important but Ronan... He was hidden in the shadows throughout the last book. We barely got to know him at all but we did get to know everyone else, this - THIS was Ronan's time to start shining! Or at least, be a little less in the dark than he already was.

Confirmation my friends comes in many different colours
(and shapes and nightmarish configurations like the night horror but I digress...) and this was a moment that I was waiting for.

She wore a dress Ronan thought looked like a lampshade. Whatever sort of lamp it belonged on, Gansey clearly wished he had one.
Ronan wasn't a fan of lamps.

Ronan, the precious snowflake is beyond gay and I AM HERE FOR IT!!!!!! Though Adam may be his other secret, the one that he holds so close to his heart, I am here to see where this is going to go. The only other person in the whole series who truly doesn't wholly know who he is and what he wants is Adam Parrish and I believe that boy is definitely going to realize he's feeling some serious love for Ronan. And while I want these two to be happy together, there's these other two...

'I wish you could be kissed, Jane,' he said. 'Because I would beg just one off you. Under all this.' He flailed an arm toward the stars.

Blue and Gansey have been dancing towards this for so, so long. After all this time, Blue is truly falling for Gansey and now I have to know - how will this all end? Will he ever be able to kiss her? Can they live without kissing? There is something so intimate about a kiss, and how could they possibly live without that? I don't want to colour this part either with what I know, but, just LOVE.

Read this book and be happy to live in the glory of Maggie Stiefvater's prose.

View all my reviews

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