My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once upon a time, in a sort of quiet Canadian suburb, there lived a frazzled single mom who was dying for it to be November 9th so that she could read the next book written by her favourite dirty rom-com author. This FSM (since we're looking to save time and space here people, please!) was not like other damsels in distress quietly awaiting the next release. Oh no! She was yelling it from the rooftops and trying to convert all her friends to Pippa Grant story loving fools because she needed more people to commiserate with that it still wasn't November 9th so she could devour The Hero and the Hacktivist in a single sitting.

She was starting to despair, flailing around in rereads of some of her favourites (which may or may not have included Beauty and the Beefcake just because Ares Berger is EVERYTHING) when she opened her email to find something beautiful. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the FSM got an ARC!

And she lived happily ever after….
The En….
Scratch that! This is most definitely not the end of my love for this story, but it is the end of Story Time so that I can tell you about everything I loved in Pippa Grant's latest release The Hero and the Hacktivisit.
Could there be a better title for this one? No, I don't think so, and if you've read any of Pippa Grant's amazingly hysterical romances before, you know what you're getting in to here when faced with Eloise and her badassery!
Eloise Jayne is, as always, the perverted smartass with a heart of gold she tries so desperately to hide. She's a badass in every sense of the word and even though she doesn't express this will brute force, she does it with her brain and her amazing ninja hacking skills. Her brain kills me - no, really, she slays me with every twisted piece of pervy bravado that comes out of her mouth. Even though this is her love story, please don't think that her propositioning of her best friends' brothers/husbands/lovers has gone anywhere!
So long as his dick's not a disappointment - the brother, not the pirate - we're good, and for once, I'll go home to my cats with an orgasm glow.
Man-made orgasms aren't so easy to come by.
Come by. You get me all book, folks.
What a pleasure it was to have her all book too!!! Pippa never disappoints with her fourth wall breaks, and this one took the cake! I had to stop because at this point I realized I loved her more than Deadpool.

DEADPOOL PEOPLE!!! And that's really saying something because hellooooo Ryan Reynolds!!!!!

I think you all see my point… *Ahem*
If you didn't figure it out before you picked it up, Rhett Elliott is our hero. Sexy SEAL badass and protective big brother of Knox's lovely Parker from Stud in the Stacks (he makes a cameo there and if you haven't read it yet, what the hell are you waiting for?????), Rhett's got himself a hero/god complex but, he's built and tatted up so there's that. He's everything I could have wanted for Eloise just like she is for him.
I think I pulled a muscle reading Chapter 10. This book is full of hilarious moments, but the Elliott family text group is the icing on the cake. Parker's autocorrect fails, the mentions of random GIFs (which is my language spoken so well by one Ares Berger, but I digress) and the raging "I'm gonna tell Mom" threats from the brothers - I'm laughing just thinking about it! I felt like I couldn't breathe. COULD. NOT. BREATHE. I couldn't stop laughing, and every time these make an appearance I fall a little more in love with Parker's phone and even more in love with this family. I can't wait to see what each new family member added will bring to the mix as Pippa helps them find their true loves.
If you want to laugh, cry (usually from laughing too hard, but there are a couple of real AWWWWWW moments) and fall in love with love, then you need the story of the Elephant (thank you Parker!!!) and the Ass of Glory! Hit the button and buy this one TODAY!!!!!
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