My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“For what it’s worth, Arian, I loved you, and I did all of this for you. I hope you get everything you’ve ever wanted, even if that doesn’t include me.”
“You’re going to regret this, Legend. Mark my words.”

Normally the quotes I choose to start my reviews with are something more that show the couple and some fabulous moment between them, but this one - THIS ONE - is the one I'm choosing because you need to know that when Legend walks into this his life has been shattered, battered, bruised and broken. Not only did this moment bring the end of his relationship, it also brought an end to his career when Arian turned their fans against him. You need to know how this broken Daddy needed the ray of sunshine that is Bentley to enter his life.

Legendary Daddy is everything I would expect from a Mia Monroe story, but the emotional healing that Legend goes through as he leans in to his new relationship with Bentley and what it has the potential to be is absolutely beautiful. This is also the start of a new series.. Even if it's not a long series, this is a series that I am totally here for! It's a Daddy series called Love in LA (Normally I would link to the series page here, but it doesn't exist yet so maybe remind me and I'll come back to it? OK thannnnnkkkkksssss!!!). I looooooovvvvveeeeee Daddy stories almost as much as I love shibari stories, and with Casper and Saint, Mia proved just how excellent the Daddy writing skills were and I am HERE FOR IT!!!

What do you mean you don't know Casper and Saint????

There is no excuse for that - their story can be read as a standalone so you need to go grab Fix Me right now!

I'll wait...

Ok I'm not waiting, I mean, you know how much I love the Tattoos and Temptation series (which is now complete), but I'm here to wax poetic about Daddy Legend and Bentley so let's get back to that!
The porn industry fans consider me a predator, a manipulator, an asshole.

I love wrapping characters up in blankets and protecting them. I love when it's not the sub who needs the blankets in a D/s relationship, when it's showing you that Doms are human and not all Alpha all the time and they have feelings and insecurities. That's exactly what you get with Legend. His last boy left him reeling from his manipulation inside their personal life, but also from the slander and accusations that he spewed on him after the end of their relationship through social media. Not only is Legend a real life Daddy but, he's also a porn star - and that boy had been a frequent scene partner on camera too. Yes, you read that right, he is a porn star. This is sex work positive book and I am here for it! Sex work is not a negative, it is a positive and it is something that is shown in a negative light more often than not. I could stand up on a soapbox here, but I'm not going to just know that I love this book. The stereotyping is not there for performers and crew alike. Now, not everyone in the industry is a good person but they are all human and those bad seeds aren't seen here which I love. Hot Daddy with self confidence issues?


“I should absolutely shut up now.”
“You’re adorable, Bentley.”
“You’re...breathtaking in real life. On camera, you look like a god, but in person, there are no words. I realize I’m gushing fan vomit on you, but I may never get a chance to say this to your face again.”

Then there's Bentley. Oh, Bentley you sweet, goofy, geeky fan boy! You are precious and adorable, and you literally love Legend, your dream Daddy, back to his confident self. I giggled more than a few times at the awkwardness that tumbled out of his mouth. I get awkward when I get nervous so it was nice to see Bentley getting silly with it. Bentley isn't free of his own demons. There have been bad Daddies in the past that have broken his confidence and self esteem in some areas, but when it comes to his business he is all in. He knows his strength, he knows he has the skills to make it he just needs to keep believing in himself and his own personal beauty. They heal EACH OTHER and it is GLORIOUS!
Legendary Daddy has a fabulous cast of side characters to go along on the ride to love with Legend and Bentley, and some I can't wait to see stories for (Ramos *cough, cough*). But while I'm waiting for the next book in the series and you're trying to decide, let me convince you with some of my...
Favourite Lines -
“Bentley, calm down.”
He stops mid-sentence, gazing at me with big eyes. “Fuck. You used your Daddy-voice. I’m dead. Literally non-living.”

“Fuck. Holy shit. Sorry. I thought it sounded like you, but… Wait, is this a prank?”

“I mean, we’d be watching porn together.”
“We were porn last night.”

"This cannot be real, this cannot be happening. Am I dreaming right now? Maybe I am. No. I’ve died. I am absolutely deceased, and I’m just wandering around in porn heaven right now.”

I pull off his socks, stopping to admire his feet. I don’t have a foot fetish, but his feet were always something I noticed in his videos. They’re so nice—symmetrical and well-groomed. He has one video from long ago where the sub he was with worshiped his feet, kissing and sucking his toes. I won’t go that far, but they are nice feet.

He glances away from me, gazing down at our hands resting in my lap. I brace myself for his tentative rejection. He’ll tell me he’s not ready for more. All he can give me is sex. It’s a scene for him. Role-playing. He doesn’t want or need a full-time boy or a boyfriend or a man who worships the ground he walks on.

"Even though I hope you understand now that I would never have judged you differently. I’m a performer, or at least I was.”
“You still are, Legend. I know you are. I know you have it in you still. My ass can attest to that.”

"I want you to believe in yourself the way that I believe in you. I think you’re selling yourself short on what you mean to the industry and how excited people would be to work with you again. But if you don’t believe me, that’s totally okay, I’ll prove it to you in time.”

“You’re definitely too big and vibrant for Ohio.” I lift his hand and kiss it. “Besides, I’m never letting you leave.”
Bentley smiles as his cheeks turn pink. “I hope you really mean that, Legend.”
“I don’t say things I don’t mean, Bentley.”

“He just...he believes in me. Like I’m a superhero or some shit, and that the whole world is just patiently waiting for me to step back into the spotlight. It kind of feels true whenever he says it.”

"Bentley came into your life to show you that you’re just sitting around being a baby for no reason.”
“A baby?”
Matteo laughs. “Yeah, a baby. If the binky fits.”
“I resent that.”

“You shouldn’t want a man who wants you to change, okay? You should stand your ground and be yourself and be loved for exactly who you are. Just like you firmly told me you don’t want to be a secret, you need to firmly own who you are and demand to be loved and accepted as you come. You deserve that.”

His eyes widen. “Daddy-voice,” he groans. “So not fair. I’m powerless to resist it.”

Bentley looks at her and scoffs. “Oh honey, this is not my father.” He smiles. “But he is my Daddy.” He gives her a cheeky wink as she startles.
“Oh.” She moves away from us, and we both laugh.
“Think I should’ve worn my ‘Porn Stars do it for an audience’ T-shirt?”
Bentley pokes my tummy. “That would’ve been funny.”>

Fuck, that Daddy-voice of his is pure thunder and lightning inside me—like a raging storm of desire.

“Do you want to wash Daddy?”
“Oh my god. It is my birthday!”

You should run -

RUN! -

don't walk, but run and one-click this baby today and fall in love with Daddy Legend and his beautiful boy Bentley. I promise you, you won't regret it!

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