My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Phew! OK, now that my squealing is under control, you need to understand how overjoyed I am to be able to tell you that the sixth book in Mia Monroe's Tattoos and Temptation series -- which happens to be Mitsu and Grey's book (!!!!!) - is finally here! Twist Me is what appears to be the final book in the series. I hope that maybe we could nudge a few novella length stories about these guys somewhere down the road, but if this is the last time we'll be surrounded by these men I shall die happy! This story was everything I needed for Mitsu and Grey, and nothing like I expected I was going to get for their story!
“I’m not like most guys my age.”Understatement.
“I’m not interested in age anyway. I’m interested in energy. Who you are at your core.”
These two are soooo sweet, right from the beginning. Mitsu was definitely the attractive enigma in other books of the series, but so was Grey. Grey was this beautiful enigma - and his energy pulled Mitsu to him, which is just how every great love story is supposed to go. And in the spirit of International Transgender Day of Visibility, which I know has passed, Grey should be seen as it's a large part of his existence and identity. Remember people, show the world that you are a safe space for someone to come out because...

It’s not easy realizing you were born in a body that isn’t right. It isn’t easy telling your parents their daughter is a son, or your friends, or cringing every time your grandmother misgenders you or your cousin uses your dead name. None of that is easy, but I never had to deal with my family disowning me or not getting the healthcare I needed or being forced to live unauthentically.

It was heartwarming to see a positive story in the midst of so much pain and ugliness in the world towards Asian people and towards people of the trans community. I loved seeing a story where Grey had a loving and respectful family, there are too many stories out there of kids being turned away or hurt because they choose to live their truth. As always, this topic is handled with the utmost care and sensitivity that I've come to expect from any of Mia's books. And while it's fiction and we're seeing a happy outcome, the fact that those unhappy outcomes exist out there aren't swept under the rug - they just aren't the focus of Grey's love story. I think that's one of the biggest things I love about Grey's story, he's been so afraid to be that vulnerable by sharing his truth with another person and that he can do that with Mitsu because he is safe is so beautiful. That he finds his freedom in Mitsu's ropes is exactly what I was hoping for, and let's face it - they're FIRE!

As always, you'll see cameos by the couples you've come to love over the series but it can be read completely as a standalone, and if you haven't read them, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???? Go and grab Marry Me right now and fall in love with this little family that formed between the bakery staff of Dulce Santo and the tattoo artists of Black Heart. I've loved every moment spent in this world, and I think you will too!

Now, let's leave you with some of my...
Favourite Lines -
“Does it feel powerful for you?” he asks. “Tying people up?”
“I don’t refer to it as tying people up. That sounds so, I don’t know, kidnap-y.”

He offers little about himself, but I would dance with the devil himself to know everything there is about Mitsu.

“First of all, talking about Doctor Who and converting someone to the fandom is like my crack.”

"You’re my safe place. What do you get out of this? What am I for you?”
“You are my heart, Grey. My breath. My desire. My heaven. What I get out of this is you.”

“Tell me what you need. Do you want marriage? A ring to symbolize my commitment to you?”
He shakes his head. “No. I want a dog.”
My eyebrows rise. “A dog?”
“Yeah. I can’t have one in an apartment. I want two cats and a dog.”

"All words can be poetry if you want them to be.” He tugs me slightly closer and kisses the underside of my chin. “For example: fuck as a verb, between you and I, is nothing but poetry.”
I pull back enough to bend and kiss his lips.
“You’re an artist, Mitsu.”
“And you are my muse.”

I find myself leaning into him, inhaling the floral yet masculine scent wafting around him. Being close to him is like slowly, willingly, being sucked into a vortex of want.
Want to touch.
Want to feel.
Want to taste.
Want more.

Absent from my favourite lines is the ENTIRE Drunk Mitsu conversation. That whole scene - absolutely the best thing EVER!!!

Go - RUN and grab this one!

I'm telling you, you won't regret a single moment of falling in love with Mitsu, Grey and the ropes. One click this baby today!

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