My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I’ve never done anything like this, but I think it’s time to be bold. Would Galileo sit at home not experimenting with things because he never had? No. Would Newton have decided gravity wasn’t worth researching? No. It’s time for me to get my head out of the clouds and do something with myself.

I love me some nerd love. I have to tell you, nothing makes me happier than seeing a nerd find their happily ever after especially if they're someone I had the instinct to wrap up in blankets and protect from the second I read the first hint of them. The epilogue for Stars Collide did that to me for Julien. I have loved that sweet, silly nerd from the second he and his whacky nicknames graced my Kindle and I have never stopped, and I'm pretty sure I never will!

What do you mean you haven't read Stars Collide yet??? Go and grab it! Devour it!!!
I'll wait...

Gravity is the second installment in Mia Monroe's Written in the Stars series and it was everything I was hoping it would be!
Julien and Henry are two of the sweetest, yet slightly battered and broken, nerds I have ever read. They shared such a similar past that the flaws of their accelerated childhoods ends up forming an incredible bond between them. Both of them went through accelerated learning being years ahead of their true social peers. The trauma left over from being thrust into more mature situations and not being able to experience just being a kid colouring their perspectives on the world. They became who they are, and probably developed the compassion they both have in spades, based on these experiences. And they're space nerds!
Space is cool *shrugs*. Totally sexy. Like bow ties.

I think what I really love is that despite the awkwardness of their first encounter, Jules and Henry truly do become friends before becoming something more. They watch movies and tv shows together, they talk, they share all those things that we're always worried about when we let someone in - hell, they even go to a con together! Cosplaying no less!!!! I need more cosplay books in my life.
The Darth Vader guy motions for some people dressed like Storm Troopers. After a quick explanation of what we’re doing, two of the Storm Troopers grab my arms as if pulling me away, but Julien grabs my shirt, tilts his face, and yes, I lean in and kiss that gorgeous mouth. It’s a peck, but it’s a kiss.
“I love you,” Julien says, with so much sincerity it takes my brain a few lagged seconds to realize this is role playing.
“I know,” I murmur Han’s famous line, studying Julien’s eyes.

Holy swooning Batman! That makes my nerdy little heart happy! True story, that was always one of my favourite scenes for Han and Leia - I was so convinced that it was the most romantic moment possible for that space pirate and the badass rebel princess. Who would have thought I would get it acted out in a cosplay moment between these two adorkable men??? My heart was not prepared!
I could wax poetic about Jules & Henry all day long, but I think you'd probably rather I do my sharey-sharey thing so you can get to reading.
And now let me share a few of my...
Favourite Lines -
It totally does not bother me that the Gabenator and Captain Planet are in the observatory getting it on. Nope. Not jealous.

“Want to go eat some tacos? Tacos make everything better.”

“You better hold my hand, or someone might try to capture you and keep you all for themselves.”
“And then what would happen?”
“I’d have to break in, get in a bunch of trouble, end up frozen. Wouldn’t be good.”

“You’re cute when you blush.”
I shake my head. “No, I’m never cute. I’m a tough ginger.”

"That’s why I think space is cool. There’s so much in it—stars, planets, moons, and galaxies—but yet, here we are. Just one Henry and just one Julien.”

As we walk, I grab his hand again to make sure we don’t get separated in the huge crowd. Yep, that’s why.

“I guess in its simplest form...what I think is cool is that there’s nothing you can do about it when it’s present. Two objects exert a force of attraction and draw together.” He smiles. “I’m revealing that not only am I a massive space nerd, but I’m a hopeless romantic. Gravity is like attraction to me. You can’t fight it once it's present.”

I wish I knew what went wrong for him. Maybe I could be the man who shows him it could be different. Maybe we could be an Orion Nebula. I shake my head. It would probably be a supernova like all my other relationships.

"I hold no reverence for my virgin status. It’s not a sacred gift or some shit. Virgin worship culture is not for me.”

“Because it’s a dick and dicks are good. Doesn’t matter what kind it is. Doesn’t matter if you were born with it, got it later, use a toy to have it. Dicks are good.”

“Where is Romeo?”
“Morning off. He had to get his car serviced.”
Samuel waggles his eyebrows. “Sounds like he’s really good at servicing.”

“Fair, but YOLO as the kids say.”
“Uh, used to say. Now they yeet things.”
“Any age can yeet.”
“This sounds like some kind of bodily function discussion.”

“Jules, they obviously did for him. I think he fell for you and it freaked him out.”
“So I lose anyway. The first guy who likes me back is too fucked up to follow through. Same result.”

“Don’t you know by now, Henry? I’d rather be with you than anyone else.”

“Oh my god. You discovered rimming.”
“That is some amazing shit. Giving and receiving. Like, who knew that part of your body was like, yes please, may I have another?”
“Who was the first person who looked at an asshole and was like, yeah, I’m gonna eat that?”

Run, don't walk, RUN and grab your copy of Gravity today.

I'm dying to see more of the Blue Moon Planetarium crew, and I bet you will be too! While I do want the story up on deck next for this crew (Nate & Aiden because the gamer in me loves seeing the gamer geeks), I'm definitely in this for the long haul and hoping for a happily ever after for Richard (hopefully with Easton... PLEASE!!!!).

Trust me, you won't regret it!

View all my reviews
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