My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I thought there could never be a book that Pippa Grant could publish that would surpass what I feels for Ares and Beauty and the Beefcake…

Ares, I love you boo, I always will, but this book has pirates. PIRATES!!!!!!!

Black Sails

Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time

Pirates of the Caribbean

What happens when your enemy isn't your enemy? What if they're what you always wanted, only you never knew it?
Ellie Ryder grew up around all her older brother Beck's buddies. That almost all of them grew up to form the boy band Bro Code didn't mean a thing to her - they were just the guys she grew up with. Totally normal, nothing special here. There were guys that could be counted on for fun, laughs, and to have your back (by extension because she was Beck's annoying little sister) whenever the chips were down - or you wipe your brother's stupid high score off his precious Frogger game but whatever! Wyatt Morgan was always more than just her brother's best friend. Wyatt Morgan was antagonizing and pushy. Wyatt Morgan was her enemy. But what if he wasn't her enemy and instead was so much more?

I had emotional whiplash in the first chapter. First I was commiserating, then I was laughing, then it was smoking hot, and holy hell at the end of it I was sobbing because while I've never had a night quite like Ellie did I have had moments that made me feel like I wasn't enough and so I know that feeling all too well. I didn't know how this was going to turn around and they were going to wind up together but I knew because this is Pippa Grant we're talking about that it was going to amazing and hilarious.

Welcome to Shipwreck, home of the Pirate Festival … and the Pirate themed destination wedding of a LIFETIME! It's also the backdrop of the wackiest, quirkiest love story I have ever had the pleasure of reading (at least, until Pippa publishes another one)! This town is home to some incredible pirate lore, banana pudding, pudding donuts (I'm drooling right now), pizza, a treasure hunt, and a salty parrot who knows how to walk the plank.

No, not that kind of parrot…

Yep, that's more like Long Beak Silver! Man that bird has a mouth on him and it's HILARIOUS!!!
How do you navigate forced cohabitation, a fake relationship, your ex and his new flame, and being in your best friend's wedding party with style? You do it up pirate style!

I want to LIVE THERE!!!!!!! (And I want to crawl inside this story and just stay there because OMG Wyatt and his tortured soul and Ellie being so tortured herself it just… BAH!!!!!!)
Favourite Lines
When I rule the world, peppermint crunch ice cream will be available all year long, because assholes who break people's hearts don't restrict their assholery and heart-breaking to Christmas.
Who taught you to hold a pool cue, a blind monkey?
I don't run without a heavy duty sports bra and my ass could squash a supermodel, but I won't apologize for being built like a woman.

Wyatt and Ellie, sitting in a tree. A-W-K-W-aaaarrr-ding!
… a corsage? A coriander? A makes-a-man speechless?
"You better be good to her, or I'll slice your nuts off with my pirate sword and tie a cannonball to your ankles and shoot you over the mountains."
"Can you take out the screen and shake it and make it work again?" she says desperately.
"It's not a fucking Etch-a-Sketch."

The men are dressed as pirates, but the women are a dog, a monkey, and a parrot.
"Do you think that one uses bad words?" Tucker asks me while he points.

"No, that's a random kid he kidnapped with candy and donuts yesterday, but he's cute, so we're making him an official pirate with us."
This morning, I woke up to a message from him that he couldn't ask for a better boyfriend for his sister, except maybe Levi, because his ass is nice than mine.

"Have you met your brother? He licks his players for luck."
A Beck Ryder huh can mean anything from you're in my seat to clogged the toilet again to oh, good, meatloaf leftovers.
"I thought of you while I masturbated last week and then I ran over a squirrel."

You need to read Wyatt and Ellie's story. YOU NEED IT! You have no idea how much until you understand some of my lingering questions…
Lingering Questions -
Are we going to get more than just one baseball player's romance because the potential with the Fireballs is well… like some serious buried treasure?
Are we ever going to see the Unicorn Festival in Sarcasm because you know pirates are awesome but UNICORNS ARE UNICORNS?!?!!!
What the hell did Beck do because even that teaser gave me nothing????

One Click this baby now - and then you can anxiously wait for America's Geekheart with me!!
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