My rating: 5 of 5 stars
People… PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!
Is there anything better than going back to your favourite fictional small town to watch two of the most electrically charged (pun fully intended) people fall in love and get their explosive happily ever after? No, no there is not!

Welcome back to Happy Cat where the town is filled with handsome O'Dell brothers, cooky raccoons who dabble in Clown Costumes and garbage can surfing, hedgehogs who steal panties from clotheslines, and feisty women who are super fierce and sure of themselves and what they want! If you haven't read Hosed and Hammered, you don't really have to but….. I recommend them heartily! It helps to know what all the rest of the cast and crew of Happy Cat have been up to, especially those hunky O'Dell brothers! But Hitched is the fake relationship/marriage of convenience/friends to enemies to lovers that you've been waiting for, you just didn't know it. Ok, well it's at least what I was waiting for and sorry, not sorry but I LOVED it!!!!!
Lili Valente and Pippa Grant are the ultimate duo - they write so well together that I can't tell where one starts and the other ends - ladies, you really knocked it out of the park here and surprised me at the same time, and here's why…
This is where I should have a snappy comeback, because I know for a fact that Hope got married first.
But we don’t talk about that.
Throughout the series, Hope St. Claire and Blake O'Dell have had this incredible chemistry - c'mon, you know I love my enemies to lovers bantering but what we all didn't know is that that this fake marriage isn't the first time that Blake and Hope have sauntered down the aisle. THAT'S RIGHT PEOPLE, THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Blake and Hope were married before - drunken Vegas escapades for the win! - and it didn't end the way that Blake was hoping, hence some of the angst between them. Hope and Blake have bantered their way into our hearts - especially with her propensity for shorting out electronics - because their chemistry is just so… ELECTRIC!!!! And when they come together (pun definitely intended!) it was nuclear!!!!!

I called their HEA from the first moment I saw them together. I CALLED IT!!!!! They were perfect - their banter was PERFECT and you could just tell that the banter was something that was going to become a playful part of their romance.
This is Pippa and Lili. If you think there weren't wacky moments of hilarity, you are sorely mistaken. Sex toy bingo and Baby Goat Yoga???
His lordship the trash panda flips me off—I swear he does—and scampers around what’s left of the enclosure, making yogis and goats scream. He tosses aside mats and knocks down more of the fence in his quest for baby carrots, careless of the Zen and property he’s destroying as he literally steals snacks from the mouth of babes.
“George, STOP! Bad raccoon! Bad!”
When did the little beast get so fast?
How is he so fast?
He’s the size of three normal raccoons, but he’s dashing around like he’s half-cheetah, and of course the babies are freaking out in response.

You’re welcome, friends!
There are also some incredibly sweet moments, because this wouldn't be a true romance without moments that make you go…

And I'm not even thinking about the impromptu picnic in the tasting room, but rather little moments like when Hope sleepwalks straight into Blake's arms, and his sofa bed, and he's so kind and gentlemanly about it. Throughout it all she thinks that she just can't have him, that relationships are always doomed for her because she's a St. Claire and all their marriages are toxic wastelands. When Hope finally accepts that she isn't doomed to be alone but meant to be loved is beautiful. Just beautiful!
So let me share with you just a few of my…
Favourite Lines -
“Your parents love me, boo-boo-cakes,” Blake grits out through his own smile.
Doubtful—also, boo-boo-cakes?—but I beam at him.

My heart is achy and empty, like it’s hit that point in a good romance novel where all is lost, only the author died before she could finish the story. And now the two characters she left behind will live in limbo, in the land where happily ever after never comes.

Blake: She’s the one who demanded the annulment in Vegas, not me. She doesn’t think I’m marriage material, except when she needs something.
Clint: But you went along with it AGAIN, Mr. “Marriage is for Love.” So clearly you see an opportunity here.
Blake: An opportunity to make her as miserable as she makes me.
Clint: Not buying it, bro. You’re secretly hoping it works out.

“Actually, I make love more like a giraffe,” Cara says.

It’ll be fine, they say. No ghosts or demons or blood in the elevators or creepy twins this time around, and absolutely no one will go insane and try to kill you with an ax. They’re probably right, but I’m still not setting foot in that hotel anytime soon. Maybe ever.

Normally, he’s far too lazy and spoiled to actually hunt for his food. But I guess being on an ice chip and cricket diet since his run-in with the peanut butter has made George hangry. And hangry George is actually kinda terrifying.

Do not get between tired Southern mamas and Publix fried chicken on a Friday night. They will run over your feet with their cart and not even bother to bless your heart after.

"To give you what you really need instead of what I think you need, you know? And…listen better and shit.”
She laughs softly. “That’s the most important part, I hear. The ‘and shit’ part.”

“Go on, get,” he says, shooing the would-be cake bandits back toward the gate enclosing the backyard. “I’m serious. Mom and Dad used to raise show wieners. They’ve got a kennel plenty big enough for all of you.”

Only I get to make her moan like that, Mr. Taco.

“Chewpaca. You in, dude?”
Chewy hums and nods.
Hope giggles at their interaction. “I love how normal and down-to-earth your family is.”
“Al-poker!” Mom and Pop cry together, then burst into giggles, making all of us laugh too.

“Well, you were very heroic during the argument part. It was pretty hot.”
“Yeah?” he asks, his chest puffing up, making me laugh.
“Yes. But now you look like a rooster on the verge of a victory strut.”
“I’ll do that when we get home,” he says, wiggling his brows. “Naked. The way god intended.”

I can't wait for more from Happy Cat! This has been one of my most favourite series I have ever read - and while I hate seeing that it will soon come to an end (we only have one O'Dell brother left people!!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!!!) but I know that it will be everything I could want and more!
One-click this baby today and fall in love with Hope, Blake and Chewpaca (his bonus epilogue is TO DIE FOR!!!!) and then you can wait with me for more from this hilarious cast of characters.

Seriously, I'm trying to be patient but gahhhhh!!!! I can't wait for more!!!!
Read this one - you're going to love it!

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