My rating: 5 of 5 stars
THIS BOOK! I was the epitome of the rolling on the floor laughing emoji while reading this book! That shouldn't be a surprise, but it surprised the hell out of me because I wasn't sure that Pippa Grant could top my previous favourites, and yet...
It was great going back to Shipwreck and seeing the insanity that is the Rock family - especially when Tillie Jean and Cooper's teasing/pranking is on full display. I love pirates, so really any mention of pirates and I'm sold. Shipwreck is top in my books!
This was Tillie Jean and Max's story - I could wax poetic about them all day and how I laughed so hard my coffee shot out my nose during one particular roof scene involving my other favourite animal character - Long Beak Silver is the BEST, I said what I said! I love how even though there were some serious issues dealt with for Max predominantly, the laughter never felt forced or ill timed. And I did laugh A LOT throughout this book. Like a LOT. I think I need a new keyboard based on how many times I spit out some kind of liquid because I was laughing too hard even though I KNOW not to drink and read Pippa Grant books. That's a dangerous combination folks, don't do it! Your electronics will thank you!
The best way for you to experience how it's totally possible to stick two people who have some serious issues (some of them worse than others) together and wonder if they'll come out the other side with a happily ever after is to READ THIS BOOK!
Normally I would give you some of my favourite lines and some incredible gif action here - but I have to do this one on my phone and that makes that sooooo much harder for me to do accurately (the gifs) and I can't quote nearly an entire book. Seriously, you should see my highlights - there are so many there is barely any clear text in the book. I'm trying to narrow it down - so when I have the ability to get on my computer and make that happen I will circle back and add a handful.
One-click this baby today! You're going to love it, I swear.
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