My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“If I were your boy, would you still let me do stuff like this?”
“I would happily watch you do things like this.” He steps closer, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me gently from the stage. “You just unlocked my little kink.”
My throat tightens in a really nice way. “What’s that?”
“Voyeurism. I get off on watching.” He cups my chin. “And, kitten, I could watch you for days.”

I knew while reading Legendary Daddy that Matteo and Fin were going to be adorable together. He was absolutely meant for the cuddly, guiding hand of a Daddy that is Matteo. I knew that this series was going to be fire, I just knew it.

Exploring Daddy is the second book in Mia Monroe's latest series Love in LA and it takes off fairly quickly with Matteo and Finn's love story. You can read this as a standalone, but I don't recommend it. A lot happens to poor Finny and contributes to what keeps these two from acting on their attraction to one another in Legendary Daddy (because Finny is Bentley's BFF kind of like Matteo is Legend's BFF) and it really helps to have read that so you know the relationships between the friends but also what both men are coming into this relationship with as baggage. That's not to say that this isn't covered, but I feel like it's best read in context with the other stories.

Finn spends most of the lead up to them becoming a couple so scared that he wouldn't be enough for Matteo. That he would somehow fail at being a boy, and that fear guides him so much that he holds off on asking for the help he needs for too long out of a stubborn want to prove that he's not helpless, that he can be what he considers a functioning adult. I think there were moments where I thought maybe that stubbornness might make Finny more of a bratty boy - but honestly, it helps solidify just how well the two of them work in their Daddy/boy relationship and makes it stronger. I think Finn's vulnerability and stubborn nature is what endeared me to him. You just want to wrap him up in blankets and promise him that everything will be ok if he just learns to accept help when it's offered - especially when it's offered by one sexy, handsome, caring Daddy like Matteo.

Normally, I would leave you with a selection of my favourite lines.... And I do still have favourite lines, but there are less of them because this book was the story for FAVOURITE CONVERSATIONS which I can't share them because that would give too much away and I want you to read the book so...
Here are a few of my...
Favourite Lines -
He looks like a sexy, gay butterfly rock star. If that was a thing.
I mean, we can make it a thing Matty! *shrug*

“Are you not attracted to me?”
He guffaws. “Oh, please. Not attracted to you? Is the sky blue?”
I chuckle. “It is.”
“There’s your answer.”

Holy Fuckenstein.

True story - the F word as a prefix is my favourite thing ever. Most useful word in the English language, indeed!

Bentley turns around and grins so wide I’m surprised his lips can stretch that far, but then again, I’ve seen Legend’s dick.

“But you guys treated me like I was one of you. None of you cared about my past. You trusted me to stay in your place. So did Legend. Gave me a job. I thought, if these men think I’m worth it, maybe I am.”

“It’s one of those things that inspires me. It fills me with hope that someday someone is going to walk into my world and I’m just gonna know that’s my person, you know?”

“I’m sorry.” His voice cracks. “I didn’t mean to make it so hard.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, kitten. You’ve been through so much. You were just trying to figure things out.”

"You fill me up like nothing I’ve ever known."

I swear to you, you will love (and I think this is ADORABLE) Matty & Finny. I swear that you will love them EVEN MORE if you read Legendary Daddy first so if you haven't read it go and get it.

And if you have read it, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR????? Run and grab Exploring Daddy and love on Matteo and Finny TODAY! And once you're hooked, you can wait impatiently like me for Ramos' story Becoming Daddy (coming in August we hope) because that scene in this book??? His story is already crackling with chemistry and we've barely scratched the surface of what's going to be an HEA that's FIRE!

But I digress, one click this baby today!!! I promise you, you won't regret it!

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