My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Folks, we have another entry in Mia Monroe's Friendship and Desire series. Fancy Free is the third book in the series and follows Hayden's story. You remember Hayden right? The fabulous wedding planner from Dirty Forty?

Wait WHAT????

You haven't read Dirty Forty yet?

You really need to do that, and while I would love to wait for you while you read it because it helps build the setting, you really don't need to have read the other books to enjoy this one as a standalone in the series. So yes, I recommend that read the other books in the series but it is not required to love Hayden and Luke's love story for its own merits.
“You know how in movies the two love interests meet and it’s instant sparks? Like they both know that something happened to them.”
“Ah, yeah. I know what you mean.”
“Wouldn’t it be cool to experience that?”
“It is cool. It’s happened to me.”

Luke Ellison has been looking for his forever love. He's ready. What shocked him is that his forever love rocked what he thought he knew about himself and his sexuality. And is it any surprise that that love is Hayden? Really? Cause Hayden is amazing. I'm a huge fan of bi-awakening books because sexuality is a lot more fluid than anyone knows and so many of us don't truly explore until we're older. This is definitely Luke, except it's almost like cupid hit him with an arrow at a party and he just fell head over heels into Hayden. And Hayden, oh Hayden had sooooo many blankets needed to wrap him up from his past heartaches.

Fancy Free picks up right where Chasing Fate leaves off at the party and brings us on a roller coaster ride of emotions for both Hayden and Luke.
All in all, I'm giving this fabulous bi-awakening tale a solid 4 stars based on a personal trigger for me. There's a scene with Luke and parental boundaries that made me feel incredibly uncomfortable but won't affect the average reader. I just can't forget it or the feeling it gave me.

If you have a parental unit who was not the best about respecting your boundaries to the point that seeing it happen in a story will cause you anxiety, please be aware that there is a moment in here that will do this to you about 3/4 of the way through Chapter 23 to the end of the chapter.
I felt physically ill by the scene and I wasn't expecting it. I know that it is impossible to trigger everything in a book without spoilers. I understand this, and to most people this wouldn't even be a warning worthy thing, but with me it hit deeper so without spoilers I'm cautioning anyone who may see this that it might trigger them. The moment in the story is short and if you can push through, I guarantee you that it will be worth the read. I still loved this story, just not that moment.
Let me leave you with some of my...
Favourite Lines -
“Call him,” Zach says.
“Yeah, I sort of freeze up around him.”
Dominic chuckles. “Sorry, man, but that’s cute as fuck.”
I shake my head. “I don’t feel cute. I feel like a teenager again. Got no game.”

Suddenly, we’re walking backward, and I’m pressed against the back of my truck. I’m not sure which one of us started the movement, but it doesn’t matter. I’m a fucking goner. Kissing Hayden is my new favorite joy in life.

"I’m burning a candle for you to the patron saint of dick downs. Hayden, you are too young and entirely too gorgeous to be sleeping alone.”

“Anyway…” I lean forward. “I had his dick in my hand.”
“How was that?”
“So fucking hot. It was awesome. I low-key panicked after though.”
“Because you’re into a dude?”
“No. Yes. I mean… I’m not into him, Ned. I think I’m in love with him.”

"If I tell everyone I love my life and my freedom, if I tell them my life is full and doesn’t have room for commitment, it makes them think I’m okay and they don’t pity me.”
“I pushed you away because that’s what I do. If you had just wanted to fuck, without all the dating and talking and niceness, I would’ve done that. I would’ve kept you at arm’s length, fucked you, and sent you home. But that’s not who you are.”

"The minute I saw you, you took over my brain. I was drawn to you in a way that hasn’t happened to me before. Not with a woman, and definitely not with a man. It was like…” He shakes his head, shrugging. “I don’t know. Discovering something you didn’t believe existed, like angels or unicorns or sugar-free desserts that taste good.”

“You might be too good for me.”
“I might be perfect for you.”
“I could let you down.”
“You could make all my dreams come true.”
“You might get tired of me.”
“I might marry you.”

Avery: I’m owed an update. Did he fix your pipes? (snickers in gay)
I laugh, shaking my head.
Me: My pipes appear to be in working order.
My phone rings immediately.

"You don’t care if we run into people that you know? People will think you’re gay.”
“I’ve never cared much about what strangers think of me. As far as people I know running into us, good. Then I can introduce you.”

"Somehow, whoever decides how souls mate put us together. I don’t even care that you love someone else right now. That’s how much I believe in us."

“Gods of Gucci. Are you always going to be so romantic?”
“That’s my plan.”

And finally the BEST (and favourite) out of context quote from a child is....
“I didn’t know boys can marry boys. Like the same way Mom and Dad are married?”
“Exactly the same.”
“How are you gonna have babies?”
I try to hide the internal cringe I feel.
“We’re not. We’re just gonna be your favorite uncles. How’s that?”
Sean nods. “Good.”

Go run and one-click this one right now -


I promise, you won't regret it!

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