My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“What are you wearing under that kilt, my fair Scotsman?”
I laugh. “Not a thing.”
He fans himself, smiling. “I shouldn’t have asked that. We’re only friends.”
My smile fades. I wish I could let myself be so much more to him. “Friends can ask what’s under a kilt.”

Well swoon! Who doesn't love a man in a kilt? And Saint? In a kilt? And that accent??? That right there is a killer combination.

Saint, the guy who's so intensely private gave off huge Daddy vibes for Casper during what we saw of them in Marry Me, the first book of this series, and made him swoon. Casper, I think we have a type and I'm totally not against that at all because there's always something about hurt characters that makes me want to wrap them up in blankets and protect them. I wanted to do that to Saint - but I also wanted to do that to Casper too!

Yes, this is the second book in Mia Monroe's Tattoos and Temptation series but it can be read as a standalone. We see Briar and Jude again as side characters so you get to catch up a little bit with them in the time between the final chapter and the epilogue but you don't have to have read their book to enjoy Fix Me. I highly recommend it, because it was fabulous , but you don't have to have read it - I just know that when you finish Casper and Saint's story you're going to want to! I am LIVING for every single word in this series!

Oh Casper! That image of the lively, charismatic and carefree man from Marry Me is just that - an image. It's what he lets the world see. Casper may have the charisma and will to live the party boy lifestyle, but that's not what he craves nor is it what will sustain him. He's been bouncing through hookups and drinking away what little money he does have while maintaining the façade of being better off than he really is. When Saint drove him "home" and he was too embarrassed to have him take him to where he was really resting his head almost broke me. What he craved was love and guidance, something a good Daddy could do in spades but Saint didn't think he could offer it.

And Saint - oh honey the pain of losing someone you love is so real! I'd wondered what made him so private and isolated when he had the guys in the bakery who were so full of life around him. No one could have guessed it was the death of the person he thought was the love of his life that did it. How he closed himself off and put up so many walls around his heart because he just didn't think he would be able to offer it to anyone ever again. But all that changed when he met Casper - because then he started to want. He hadn't wanted for a long time, hadn't dated, hadn't bothered looking for more outside of the bakery. I think the plan to acclimatize Jude to the scene from Marry Me was probably the best thing that could have happened to him because it got him out of his shell - and it led him to Casper.

Yes, there is a Daddy/boy dynamic in this relationship, but it isn't like a lot of the books you've probably read. We're not looking at a bratty boy in Casper, nor are we looking at a Daddy who offers pain filled punishments. Both of them are caring of each other and the spankings are not punishment but rather a reward heartily enjoyed by both men. It's a very balanced relationship where both of them heal each other and find love where both of them thought they weren't deserving of it.
“I don't care if you don't love me back. It's okay. I will love you forever, and if it takes you that long to reopen your heart, it's fine. I'm patient. Sometimes."

I don't think there was anything Casper could have said in that moment that broke me more. He didn't care if Saint thought that giving his heart wasn't possible, he was going to love him anyway - whether he believed he deserved it or not.

Favourite Lines -
Today he’s wearing black jeans so tight I can actually make out the outline of his dick. Not that I’m looking. Okay, fuck it, I’m looking.

“If you ever decide you want a boy, I might know someone who would be interested.” He points at himself with a grin on his gorgeous mouth.
I smile, shaking my head. “You are incorrigible, aren’t you?”
“I don’t know what that means, Scottish.”
I chuckle. “Is that what you’re calling me now?”

I’m left with a feeling so warm I could melt. Being friends with Saint is nice. It’s different, and I like it. But I have to make him mine.
I think I might die if I don’t kiss his lips.

I took a lot of customers today, which is good. I can pay my rent next month. Unless I do something stupid like go out and buy a round of shots for everyone. I’ve spent years trying to be the life of the party. I just wanted people to like me. I wanted men and women to want me. But after spending time with Saint, I think I want something different now. I think I want someone to love me.

He told me the rules. Friends only. It’s not his fault if I’m a dumbass pushing for things I can never have. All I can do now is hope he still wants to hang out with me. At this point, I’ll take anything he’ll let me have.
And if that isn’t pathetic, I don’t know what is.

I want to praise him, tell him about how perfect and beautiful and fucking off the charts it is, but there is a dick to be sucked and it ain’t gonna suck itself.

Sweet baby drag queen in a cradle.

“It was absolutely worth the wait.” I stroke his hair. “And not just the time since meeting you. It was worth the entire wait.”
Casper gazes up at me with tears in his eyes. “For me too.”

“You don’t seem like a good bottom.”
He laughs, pulling me into the tub with him. “I’m not, but I’m not against it.”
“Good to know.”
“Now, let’s soak your pretty bottom so Daddy can have a bit more later.”
“Jesus, Saint. You are fucking fire.”

I open my mouth to speak but stop myself as new, foreign words taunt me.
I love you.
How hard would it be to say it? To tell him. I tear my eyes away. It would be as hard as catching stars with your bare hands, counting every grain of sand, or drinking the ocean.

He lifts my hand to his lips and presses a kiss there. Someday I’ll be brave enough to tell him I love him.
Even if it’s the last thing I ever do.

So, what lessons have we learned people?
1) Mia Monroe writes damn good stories with compelling characters? CHECK!
2) That everyone - EVERYONE - deserves love? CHECK!
3) That we're dying for more from this world? DOUBLE CHECK!
Run and grab this one today!

You won't regret - and while you're at it, grab Marry Me and preorder Free Me: Tattoos and Temptation Book 3 (or at least add it to your TBR) because the more I get from this world, the more I want to live there with them. I can't wait for more!

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