My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Do you know what I love the most in the world, other than coffee and donuts at least???

So you can bet this was an automatic HECK YES for me to read, but let's get into the why…
What happens when you're the losingest (yeah, yeah, I know it's not a word but it's perfect for this one) team in baseball and their newest, and arguably hottest, player is about to ruin their chances of winning again by finally losing his V-card?

Don't know? Well, let me tell you! You get Jock Blocked by the exceptional Pippa Grant!
Mackenzie has soooooo many things that make you just laugh and sob a little for her, but come on! This is Parker's brother Brooks' book and YOU KNOW that means a return of the Elliott family group texts!!! These were just priceless moments in the story - THANK YOU FOR THAT!!!
I'm on Team NO SPOILERS, but you must know that this return to Copper Valley for a Fireballs story was EVERYTHING I was hoping it would be and it turned the virgin trope on its head! How many books have you read where it's the young, naïve girl who’s the virgin?

The correct answer is TOO FLIPPING MANY!!!!

I have read maybe one or two other stories where it's hero who's the virgin and not the heroine in M/F Romance and this was something so very needed because a) he's not super young and naïve, and b) IT'S THE HERO and Brooks is a super hot ball player so you'd think he'd be getting laid at every conceivable opportunity!
Brooks is trying desperately to lose his V-card now that he's been traded from New York to the Fireballs since he doesn't see where him playing any worse could be detrimental to the team and their chances of getting fans back and winning games. Enter Mackenzie Montana, the Fireballs' biggest fan (FIERY FOREVER!!!!) who knows her baseball and believes in superstition, good luck, and curses to cock block him in a flaming meatball mascot costume. Ridiculous? NO, it is PERFECTION! The fan culture that's brought into this story are not only hilarious, but totally on point. If you're a serious baseball fan you know you have superstitions and rituals that you have to go through for each game to keep your team's streak alive. Mackenzie nails these, she also nails how I felt when my singular mascot became several for my team.

Aside from the virgin trope, I had a hard time classing this because they're not really friends to lovers, at least not at first. They become friendly eventually, but their feelings are winning out by this point. They also aren't really enemies to lovers, but kind of because they seem to start that way - especially with how hard she's trying to cock-block Brooks just so he can keep hitting the ball! It's kind of a slow burn, but with laughter and some amazing moments with friends that show just how deep of a world Pippa has created. Whatever you want to class this as, make sure you class it as EXCELLENT and 100% worth your time!
Honourable mention for scene stealer awards go to Mackenzie's daddies (in and out of drag!), Coco Puff the dog because it's Pippa and it's an animal and she does those ridiculously well and we all know that, the Mascot Alternatives that are *NOT* Fiery (FIERY FOREVER!!!!!!), and the Elliott Family Text Messages.
Favourite Lines:
Oh, god, baseball forearms.
They’re lethal to women’s panties everywhere, because baseball forearms.

Plus you don’t want to know what the internet is saying about echidna penis. You really don’t.

Adrenaline surges in my veins, and before I can think better of it, I knock his phone away, kick it down the hall, shove him, and yell, “Fiery forever!”
And then I take off at a dead run.

This is the most insane conversation I’ve ever had, and my brother’s married to a woman who knows over a thousand euphemisms for penis and uses them liberally, and my sister’s autocorrected text messages need their own museum.

What happens at the club during curse-breaking stays at the club.

“How is a thing with a four-headed penis family-friendly?”

Tripp chokes on his drink, and the two owners share a secret look.
I want a secret look-sharer. Is that too much to ask?

Opening day should be a federal holiday, especially when opening day happens at home.

“What are you doing here?” I growl.
Yes, me. Mackenzie Montana. Growling at a baseball god.
Do not fuck with my family.

It’s not enough to cock-block him.
I have to make him believe the Fireballs can go all the way.

Dingo Bazookarooka hey macarena.

If you didn't know this was text from Parker - please for the love of all that's holy - go read Stud in the Stacks RIGHT MEOW!

I might’ve been actively invited to the de-cursing night at spring training—nope, still not telling what we did with the dildo—but I don’t know which of my new teammates is most likely to put bubble gum in my helmet or which one most deserves to have his car parked in center field before a game.

“You want to be a Fireball.”
He shifts his seat to face me again. “I am a Fireball.”
That’s a morning shot of joe straight to my clit. There is nothing sexier that a man could ever say to me. Ever.

I’m in for better.
I mean, not sex better. I still need him to hit a ball. But gah, am I tempted, because he did hit the ball after we masturbated together.
So tempted.

Honourable mention to Coco Puff's collar -
"I love you!"
"Smiling cures everything!"
"You're a winner to me!"
"Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day!"

Lingering Thoughts…
I would read the heck out of a novella bout Mackenzie's daddies and how they came together. Stick that little plot bunny in your basket!

Go on and grab this baby today! Just because we can't watch baseball right now doesn't mean we can't read some excellent romances that touch on baseball culture. You won't regret one-clicking this one. Go on! Grab it!!!

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