My rating: 5 of 5 stars
From the very first line of this book, I was sold. Grady Rock became the new gold standard. Everybody deserves someone who will talk to them like Grady Rock talks to his pastries.
"That's right, baby," I whisper as I ease deeper into her creamy depths. She's tight. So full already. "Oh, yeah, just like that. You feel that? Is that good for you too?"
The donut doesn't answer, but she does grunt under the strain of all the pudding I'm stuffing inside her.

People, welcome back to Shipwreck (SPOILER THE FIRST - and SARCASM!!!!!!) for a story that had me laughing 'til I cried and crying because Pippa Grant tugged on every possible heartstring with Master Baker! If you read my review of Flirting with the Frenemy, you'll know that one of my lingering questions was would we ever get to see the town of Sarcasm. OMG YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!

WE DID!!!!!
Although we had to travel back in time to see Grady finally get the one the that got away, who just happens to be his former best friend who's opened a bakery in direct competition with his in her home town of Sarcasm. There's so much going on here - it's not a friends to lovers, but it is. It's not an enemies to lovers, but it is. It's not a second chance but it kind of is? Wait, maybe it's frenemies to lovers! And a little bit of a secret romance? I don't even know…

All I know is that this book is the one you want to make you laugh, to make you cry, and to make you fall in love with Pippa Grant's world all over again!

(SPOILER THE SECOND - this is another wonderful unusual pet love story with Sue the Goat. I flipping love Sue!!!)

(SPOILER THE THIRD - Are you really surprised that this is another book with a hilarious animal? I mean, we're talking about [Pippa Grant] here?!?!?)

There's something so beautiful about the relationship between Grady, Annika and their feuding towns. There's the mountain Pirate town of Shipwreck and the Unicorn crazy town of Sarcasm and they have a ridiculous feud that's been going on for years! But these two, they found a way to come together despite what other people might think of being that he's from Shipwreck and all. But Annika and Grady cultivate not only a beautiful friendship, or they resuscitate a beautiful friendship, and a beautiful romance!

And YES there are cameos! Obviously, Cooper Rock is there (we want his book!!!!) being that he's Grady's brother but there is also a surprise cameo in the form of the Berger twins during the hilarious baking competition. Definitely, don't be drinking something during this scene!!!!!

(SPOILER THE FOURTH - this book takes places before The Pilot & the Puck-Up in the timeline of Pippa Books so don't be a fool thinking Zeus or Ares would ever do their ladies wrong! They wouldn't, and you know nothing about them if you even entertained that thought… FOR SHAME!!!!)

So are you ready for some of my…
Favourite Lines -
His dark beard is streaked with gray, and he keeps shooting a glance at the kitchen like he's hoping to be paid in double chocolate fudge cookie.
Which I won't be baking, because I've turned committing sins against sugar into an art.

I still wasn’t who she wanted to see standing there, and the knowledge opened every last scar I’d forgotten I had.
Turns out, my heart’s still bruised too.

“Fuck you and the unicorn you rode in on,” the parrot says.

Which means I’m going home.
To my goat.
Who loves me even though I never asked him to, and even though I tried my damnedest to get rid of him when he invaded my yard a year ago.
She had her dream for three days before she couldn’t see it anymore. And I’ll be damned before I fail her.

“Yes, Sergeant Paranoid. I’m on Facebook and I’m posting nude selfies and telling all the child molesters where to come find me and that they can score a hot lady soldier and a blind chick who still has it while they’re here.”

“Some guy Annika used to know who came over yesterday acting all you can’t open a bakery in my county, because I licked it first."

“Fire in the hole! Fire in the fucking hole!” Long Beak Silver calls from his perch on Pop’s shoulder in the stands.

“Until you can convince it that Go, team, go is a cuss word, we’re doomed.”

I’m still grateful for the cup that’s trying to hold my dick in check.
Fuck, this is uncomfortable.

His chuckle sends a pleasant buzz arrowing between my legs. “What’s tomorrow? Wednesday? Is that still blue sock day?”
“Fucking Army.”
I’m a food snob who eats cereal for dinner.

“Because your body might’ve been born in Shipwreck, but your soul belongs in Sarcasm. But only because there’s not an Egoville around here.”

Star and I both look at the judges’ table, where there are two men roughly the size of mountains poking at each other over the head of a third man who would be impressively sized if he weren’t between the twins.
Although the middle guy’s chin cleft keeps sparkling when the light hits him right, which is weird.

“Maaaa!” Sue hollers, and while Pops and Cooper are distracted, my goat takes off like a shot past my kitchen station to leap up and snag as many donuts as he can get in his mouth.

“Stay on your own side,” Ares Berger says. “Goat says chocolate donuts win. Be nice to all girls.”

He grunts a displeased sound and deposits me back at my own station, then stands there blocking me from getting to Annika, arms crossed, deep blue eyes threatening to impale me with my KitchenAid mixer.
Possibly through my head.

When Cooper and Georgia hold out the unicorn cookies, she stuffs them into her cleavage and keeps walking, signalling her bodyguard on the way.
Not all that different from Zeus Berger shoving cookies down his pants, which he’s doing right now too.

“Rawk! Mind your own fucking business! Rawk!”
Long Beak Silver swoops from his perch over the door and dive-bombs me, like I’m the one in the wrong for walking in on my grandparents doing the horizontal mamba.

“Rawk! Eat that pussy! Rawk!”
“Someone please shoot that bird,” I mutter.
He swoops through the dining room and poops on my head.

“Are you—master baking—me?” she pants.
“I’m loving you.”

Sue looks up at my parents, one at a time, and then lifts his leg and pees on Dad’s shoe.

Go grab this book!!! One click this baby NOW because you are not going to regret it!

Have your tissues handy and make sure you don't have a drink to your lips whenever Long Beak Silver or Sue hit the page - trust me, my laptop is still a little miffed that I spit my coffee all over it again. Thank you, Pippa!

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