My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Let me preface this by saying, I LOVE THIS BOOK. This is not a negative review but it is a much shorter one because due to spoilers I can't tell you WHY I love it.
You got that? I don't want to ruin WHY I'm in love with this story, so this is going to be a much shorter, smaller and less quote filled review.

Now, let's get this show on the road...
Becoming Daddy is the book I've been waiting for in Mia Monroe's Love in LA series. It appears to be the last one, as this is Ramos' story which I have wanted. It's pretty obvious that Ramos is struggling with his own self worth throughout the first two books of the series and I knew he deserved a happily ever after, I just wasn't quite sure how he was going to get that. And then this book came...
And we got inside his head...
And then I saw what it was that I can't tell you about and I fell. IN. LOVE!!!!
Becoming Daddy is the story of how Ramos finds his happily ever after with Zaden and Alex whom you will remember from Exploring Daddy. Woah, woah, woah!!!! Wait what? WHAT????

You haven't read the other books?

Go get them now -

Right now!!! I'll wait...


Again, this book can be read as a standalone but the other books in the series provide a depth to the relationships and how they've grown over time. And really, my love for Ramos and his potential HEA just grew over time.
Alex, Zaden, and Ramos fall into their roles perfectly. I love a good Daddy/boy book, I also love a good MMM book and that's exactly what you find here. I cannot recommend this story enough! You have a poly couple looking to add to their partnership who have been burned before (with all the fears and anxieties that come with that) and a sweet yet unsure of himself self-made man like Ramos who is totally into this but is really unsure why they would pick him. Ramos is basically a big mess of "Am I good enough? What could I bring to their relationship? They're fire, but they're gonna get sick of me so fast cause I'm just me not good enough." The emotional internal angst was so high for Ramos, but watching him go for it anyway, acknowledge that fear and go forward... Yeah, that was huge and so emotionally rewarding.

I just love Ramos a lot, OK. Like a lot.

Don't @ me, he's fabulous.

Normally I would leave you with some of my favourite lines, but the lines I chose actually give away something that's bit spoilery for how Ramos takes on the role he's meant to have in this triad. So instead I'm asking you to run, don't walk you need to RUN -

right now! -

and one click this baby today. You're not going to regret it! Then you can anxiously await Mia's next release with me. When???? Who???? I need it now, but you need to read Becoming Daddy first, you're gonna love it!

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